Benicia High School’s Girls Flag Football Team Competes in First Game of the Season

By: Morgan Kacalek

Over the last few years, flag football has gained support by girls all over the state of California. After increasing popularity, the state decided to make flag football an official high school sport in February of 2023. With this decision came immense support from girls all over the state, including students at Benicia High School (BHS). Starting in August of 2023, Benicia decided to take a chance and create a team for girls at the school. The team, coached by Rodrigo Escalante, will play their first game at BHS on Thursday, August 24, against Cal High.

Benicia’s students and staff members are excited and looking forward to the start of a new sport at the school. Coach Escalante, says that as a coach of the program he hopes to accomplish, “growth and strength in the community for girl’s athletics.” The coach explains how he believes flag football will especially benefit girls who play multiple sports because, “it is a perfect crossover to other sports as it promotes speed, agility, and critical thinking.” Escalante hopes that the girls, “remember what they learn in this environment and teach it to the next young girl looking to get into the sport.”

Benicia High School is not the only school however, that has made this decision. Other states such as Alabama and Nevada have created some of the first-ever girls high school flag football teams. According to NBC Bay Area News, President-elect of the CIF’s southern section’s council, Paula Hart Rodas, says that, “the goal is to get more girls involved in high school sports and tap into a widespread love of football by many who are loath to play tackle.” Flag football provides another option for girls who aspire to play football but don’t want to play tackle. 

The addition of flag football creates new opportunities for women in athletics and provides a place for girls to have fun and stay active. Hawthorne coach Corey Thedford told The Times, “I don’t think everybody understands how big this is going to be.” Many coaches from around the state believe that the introduction of this sport will only continue to grow and become more popular among young girls. 

According to SBLive, Author and sports editor of the Century Media Group of Southern California, John Murphy, says that the introduction of this sport will only create more opportunities for women in the future. Murphy says, “There is talk of flag football becoming an Olympic sport and eventually an NCAA sport, too.” This would mean the possibility for more women’s scholarships and professional careers. Introduction of flag football into college and Olympic sports allows women to pursue a career in the sport long term, which is important because there are very limited opportunities for women to play professional sports. Milligan University flag football player, Caitlin Quinn, tells girls it is important to, “build your confidence and stay confident. Don’t let anything bring you down,” and, “you have to be an advocate for yourself.” Cailin is an example of one of the many girls across the country inspiring other women to stay in sports. Quinn is also an example of someone who was given the chance to play flag football in college, which shows how important the addition of the sport to high schools is in the athletic careers of young women.

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