Books vs Movies and TV shows

By Staff

  Books and movies are both great. Books depend on imagination but movies show visualization. They both have unique qualities and are mostly for entertainment. Books can spark your imagination and are more detailed while movies show emotions and actions better than books. But which is better? Looking at their pros and cons, it determines which is superior.

Pros of books:

Books have been a part of human history since ancient times. They teach us about history and stories from different cultures around the world. Books overall have inspired movies and people. Another thing is, even if a book is nonfiction or fiction, it still shows how a character develops, helps readers understand their points of view, and how it can relate in the real world. Some pros of books are:

  • There are many genres. 
  • Books can be available in different languages and can be translated. 
  • Inspire imagination.
  • Books show more detail than movies and can go deep into character’s thoughts, emotion, action, and understanding.
  • Can bring books anywhere.
  • Go on your own paste.
  • Books inspire movies.
  • Don’t need to go out.
  • Have lessons in them and show different views of the world through reading.
  • Relaxing.
  • Changes how an individual sees things.
  • Reading books can expand knowledge and understanding.
  • Reading is quiet.
  • Can read books while eating.
  • Escape reality. 
  • Books can have deep meanings.
  • Can make your own library with the books you have read. 

Cons of books:

          Books overall take time to read and it could potentially be very difficult for some. For example, school text books and assignments on books can be very boring and hard to understand if an individual isn’t near the level reading of the book. They are also very heavy and/or have a huge amount of pages according to the book. Although it is good to have different meanings to a book or sentences, it can be hard to be on the same page as someone when reading. For example, a six-word story, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” by Ernest Hemingway, can have a different meaning to someone. Many people think that someone’s baby has died and they are selling their shoes or they are a business shop selling baby shoes. Furthermore, a book can be a waste of time reading if the ending is terrible or if the book itself is. Additional cons of books are:

  • Some books are expensive.
  • Might lose track of time reading.
  • A person writing a book can write wrong words, misspell words, and write a sentence wrong.
  • A book can be available in different languages but don’t have a language you need.
  • Homonyms. 

Pros of movies and tv shows: 

Like books, movies and tv shows can show people a whole new perspective and can help spark imagination. Some pros for movies and tv shows are that they can be watched individually or with other people as well. People can express themselves and how they feel about a movie or tv show with other people and spend time with them. Some pros of movies and tv shows are:

  • Watch short films.
  • Can watch movies inspired from books without reading the book.
  • Subtitles.
  • Can be at home or heaters. 
  • Watch movies for free online.
  • Can watch movies anywhere.
  • Movies can have deep meanings.
  • Bring out strong emotions.
  • Brings out feelings while watching.
  • Can experience what a character has been through.
  • It’s relaxing.
  • Entertaining.
  • Can eat while watching.
  • Binge watch shows and movies.

Cons of movies and tv shows:

Some movies are recreation of other movies or inspired by books but sometimes they leave important details in a movie and actors’ interpretation of a character is not enough to have character progression due to time constraints. furthermore cons of movies are: 

  • Can be really loud. 
  • Expensive.
  • Shared with other strangers to watch movies.
  • Fast paced character progression.
  • Tv shows can be too long.
  • Time consuming.
  • Homophones.
  • Compared a lot to books and other movies 
  • Some people who are introverts are not used to crowded environments.
  • No subtitles. 
  • Some people in theaters talk a lot and use their phones that are bright.
  • May be boring.
  • Bad acting.
  • Some movies can be unsettling to watch.
  • A character can affect an actor in real life.
  • A tv show or movie can have too much effect.

Conclusion: Books are better because they fully explain a character’s emotions and purpose. As stated above, books can help with vocabulary and patience. An individual can analyze the work of an author and understand why they wrote it. Although movies are more visual and bring out expressions better, it lets an individual imagine and let readers understand the characters and their experiences. Books are also mostly used for studying while movies are mostly for entertainment. In the end, it really depends on a person and their preferences between books and movies.

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